Okay fellas, let’s not be shy or have any shame in our dating on a budget game, okay? You may not always have the means or desire to spend $150 on every person you take out on a date, especially if it’s the first date and you may not ever see the person again. So, find some of our dating on a budget hacks below. Enjoy and happy dating!

Offer To Cook

If you have skills in the kitchen, save yourself some money and put them to use! Your date will love a home cooked meal just as much as you do!

Suggest Free Public Spaces

Beaches, parks, trails oh my! Nature is our friend, gentlemen. Bring some things to keep you and your date entertained and boom!

Use Your Amenities

Depending on your date’s likes and lifestyle, try utilizing the gym or the pool. 


It’s free and it’s helpful! Again, depending on what your date likes to do, this may be a great option and opportunity to give back.

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